Primulina (Chirita) ‘Mineko’

Primulina ‘Mineko’. 2001, IR0I744, Toshijiro Okuto, Japan. (P. subrhomboidea x P. fimbrisepala ‘ ‘Wuhan’). Cross made May 22, 1997, planted July 31, 1997 and first flowered Jan. 18, 2000. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette. Leaves hairy, dark green, 13 cm long x 9 cm wide with 4 cm petiole, ovate with serrate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx split, pale green, 10 mm long, pedicel 30 mm long, 7 flowers per peduncle. Corolla salverform, 70 mm long x 53 mm wide, violet-blue (RRS 90C), white tube with orange ridges and without speckles, a brown spot at the top of the mouth. The same parentage as P. ‘Keiko’ on the basis of species but the seed parents are of different strains. Flower is bigger and more reddish than ‘Keiko’. First commercial listing, 2002, Belisle’s Violet House cat.

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