Smithiantha ‘Sassy Redhead’

Smithiantha ‘Sassy Redhead’. 1999, IR99713, Dale Martens, TX. (S. zehrina hybrid x S. Kartuz hybrid). Cross made 1l/97, planted 2/98 and first flowered l/99. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Upright rosette to 23 cm tall. Leaves maroon-green with reddish hairs, 11 cm long x 9 cm wide with 6 cm petiole, ovate with serrate margin, acute tip and cordate base. Flower infundibuliform, tube 3.75 cm long, limb 2 cm wide, very bright red (RRS 53A) with egg-shell throat edged in red, with red dots and dashes in throat.

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