Streptocarpus ‘Autumn Dew’

Streptocarpus ‘Autumn Dew’. 2001, IR01747, T. Okuto, Japan. (‘  Ohama’ x hbd. 108). Cross made Oct. 28, 1995, planted Mar. 13, 1996 and first flowered June 6, 1996. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Rosette. Leaves hairy, green, 22 cm long x 5 cm wide, linear with serrate margin, acute tip and cuneate base. Calyx split, light green, 5 mm long. 3-5 flowers per peduncle. Corolla salverform, 40 mm long x 31 mm wide, light purple (RHS 76C) with darker purple stripes and yellow bars in the throat. Flower is shaped like kentaniensis, leaf is linear but wider than kentaniensis.

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