xAchicodonia ‘Isis’

xAchicodonia ‘ Isis’. 1966,  IR66088, Frances Batcheller, NH. (as Achimenes ‘ Isis’). (Eucodonia andrieuxii x Achimenes dulcis), Cross made Aug. 1965, first bloomed June 1966. Stems trailing, 8 in.long, reddish with ½ in. internodes. Leaf olive green, white to pinkish reverse, 1 ½ in. long x ¾ in. wide, ovate with serrate edge, cuneate base and acute tip. Flower 1 ½ in. long x 1 in. wide, tibe curved, lobes rounded, spreading, slightly crenate, upper lobes (2.5P 5/1 Nickerson), laterals half white, half violet, lower white with narrow border of violet. The foliage is much like A. dulcis, without the tomentose character of E. andrieuxii. The flower is much like andrieuxii, in both form and color, but much larger.

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