Primulina (Chirita) ‘Flavintime’

Primulina ‘Flavintime’. 2009, IR091119, Bruce Dunn, AR. (P. flavimaculata × P. ‘Dreamtime’). Cross made May 16, 2005, planted June 23, 2005 and first flowered May 10, 2006.Polycarpic perennial forming an acaulescent rosette. Fertile but reproducible only vegetatively. Leaves hairy, greenish yellow (RHS 144A), 180-200 mm long x 90-110 mm wide, elliptic with crenate margin, acute tip and cordate base. Calyx yellowish green (RHS 145C), 13-18 mm long. Pedicel 280-400 mm long with 21-27 flowers per leaf axil. Corolla salverform, 44-47 mm long, 24-25 mm wide, violet (RHS 85A). Resembles P. flavimaculata but differs in having larger flowers, darker purple flower color and the leaves are larger and darker green in color, serrated like the ‘Dreamtime’ parent.

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